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Start your day with the end in your mind


Get up with your right foot and be thankful that you also have a left to keep you more stable on the ground.

Look at the mirror and say, I love you, to that expression you wish to have every moment you meet the people you are trying to inspire. Enjoy the sip of your morning coffee as if it was your last because one day it will be. Hug all the ones you love, but tightly, because a hug stimulates the hormones of happiness and cures anxiety. Let endorphin, serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin be your main hung out team, during the day. Go back to your goals that are written down somewhere, and remind yourself of your chivalric dreams that you once tirelessly fantasized about. Say what you have to the person you want, but speak clearly, so that your soul is not confused. Travel to that country, master that skill. Jump a little, try the levitation of living, because from that height of the earthly soul, maybe you will see better than what you were told you would see, if only your ego ascended. Love sincerely. Awaken the passion. Let enthusiasm do battle with exhilaration in your days. Unleash the beat of your heart with a bold venture and the words I can, I want. Blow away the ashes of other people's expectations and be that one person who, by example, encourages others to suppress their dysfunctional urges. Light up that look. Dance with that smile. Don't expect too much from others, you will be pushed away more than once, but don't worry, that's how it is. Be ok with being misunderstood and maybe strange for some, because a cactus is a flower for some, and a tree for others. Do all that and remember that one day you will be just a particle of dust, and you will live only through the emotions that you have awakened in others. Breathe life deeply so that tomorrow you could be oxygen for many, in moments when they run out of air.

Give a hand to boldness, for today because tomorrow you may not have the opportunity to do so.


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