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Sapiosexuality - can intelligence be more attractive than the body?


Dopamine is released the most when we are on the way to achieving our goals, not when we reach the climax. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you say the last word from previous sentence?

I honestly love making the parallel with sex because I see it as something beautiful. Abuse of sex has made us ashamed to talk about it. But just remember, if there was no sex, there would be no children, which means there would be no us either. I grew up in an environment where this topic was not often mentioned. It was marked as "taboo", and especially for women it is considered uncouth. Shame was the main synonym.

Nowdays, on the contrary, we live in a time where it is promoted everywhere, used for different purposes, or rather abused. We trade "love" through sex to reach goals that are only carnal. It lasts for a short time, then we become anxious, depressed, we want more.

The biochemistry of the body manifests itself through connection, but if it is only on the surface, it lasts as long as the pleasure of taking sweets.

If you connect with someone and involve your biggest sexual organ, brain, you get a fireworks experience that creates something beautiful.

In order for two people to fully connect, it is necessary to reach three levels of connection..

The first is mental, the second is emotional and the third is physical. When minds come together, emotion occurs and the body reacts. It is very simple if the persons are compatible, otherwise, one segment will suffer.

The connection cannot be only on the surface and only on one level, because we are not robots but people, even though we often act the opposite. We live in a time when coldness is a parameter for strength and emotion is recognized as weakness. Alienation is the solution, and giving up is implied . That's why our life's pleasures are getting shorter and shorter.

Dopamine is secreted in order to achieve wholeness. When the climax is reached, we want it again. So be careful who you repeat things with because they become habits and habits become patterns. We are walking patterns.

So, if you think that your body is enough for connection, visit a gallery or museum and take a long look. People do not exist to be used or hung on the wall, but to decorate their exterior with their inner being, and thereby inspire others.

We often meet beautiful faces, but beautiful minds are hard to find.


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