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Jealousy is not an act of love but a confirmation of


Although the word jealousy has connections with word love, it is not the most ideal for representing it.Oftentimes people associate jealousy with love because the feeling it gives to another person creates the effect of importance and belonging. A small dose of course feels nice, because otherwise the relationship would indicate lack of interest, but the overdose effect, leads to possession and not to love.

People who have the need to control and own the behavior of another person by following their every step, actually have the need to cover up their insecurity and in that rush of emotions unconsciously make the other person insecure. Creating a safety zone for themselves that this person belongs only to them and to nobody else. They make the other person feel unfree and they begin to question the every step of behavior. Many times compete with the qualities of another person for fear that their value will not become greater than theirs.

By controlling the other person's behavior, we do not achieve the effect of stronger love, but insecurity, which eventually leads to a gap and the creation of emotions of freedom in one or the other party. By switching the power of energy from one field to another, the field of love in a relationship is weakened. The relationship becomes a dependency and conditioning, where a conditionally dependent relationship is often created on an unconscious level. Often, people who become insecure look for confirmation of their worth from the other party, and if they don't get it, the body feels a crisis similar to the crisis of a drug addict who is looking for it dose. Such relationships create a feeling of shackles and freedom loses its importance.

The act of love is not possessing a person, but giving the freedom of choice, so that the same person could learn to grow selflove.


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