Whenever you feel embarrassed, get over your shame.
Whenever you make a mistake, get over your perfectionism.
Whenever you say something "stupid", smile and get over your hurt ego.
Whenever you feel lonely, get over your victim model and call the people around you, they are there for you.
Whenever you feel discouraged, remind yourself of all the difficulties you have overcome.
Whenever you feel not good enough, remind yourself of your achieved successes, even the small ones that only you know, how big they were.
Whenever you feel not good enough, remind yourself of all those people who love you so much.
Whenever you feel sad, remind yourself of all the joy you have around you, it surrounds you.
Whenever you feel poor, remind yourself of all the blessings you have received so far.
Whenever you feel dissatisfied, practice gratitude.
Whenever you feel small, play big.
When you feel listless, remember all those joys that the will provides, it just needs to move.
You are not important, other people are more important , and that is why they need you as such, unique.
So when you feel bad, know that:
You are not your thoughts.
You have a unique potential.
Your potential will serve others.
No one knows what you are capable of doing, except yourself.
Only you know your hidden desires, and if you can imagine them, you are capable of realizing them.
So share everything you know and let others experience the happiness of your potential.
To make yourself happy means to make others happy, we were just not taught that.