Don't look away when you see them.
Do not change the television channel when you hear them.
Don't turn the page when you read about them in the newspaper.
Don't block your emotions when you see their tears and hear their sobs.
Don't change the subject when you start talking about painful one. Don't feel ill at ease when you meet them. They are just parents like you now or you tomorrow.
Until yesterday, they were what you are now or you will be tomorrow. Their life was like yours, so it changed in an moment.
They were not ready for this amount of pain, nor was life preparing them for it.
Now imagine yourself in that situation, put your feet in their shoes. You will feel the fear that permeates your body with the thought that this could happen to you.
We cannot know what to expect from life, because when we expect too much it disappoints us, and when we expect nothing it often surprises us. It will always be like that. When it's good and peaceful, it embraces us, and then we should be aware of it, and when pain and bitterness come, we strive to unite in it, so that the souls of the injured could find an answer to the question "why?", and a purpose for tomorrow. Only as united we could continue to fight for the good, when it becomes difficult or mildly said, too difficult... There are no right words and actions which could remove the burden from souls. It is so heavy that it would destroy the planet Earth with its own power, it seems to every parent who lost its child that dark month of May.
So hug them when you have the opportunity, because oftentimes that alone is enough....
A child killed our children...
Not to be forgotten and never to be repeated...