It sounds paradoxical, unpleasant and somewhat irritating.
The ideal time for leaving the body does not exist, so for some it is now, while I am writing this text, for someone tomorrow. Many still have a few years left, while some will reach old age. Physical existence and the body in itself carries anxiety, fears, adopted patterns, the burden of other people's wishes and expectations. There is a lot of pain, egoism, vanity, jealousy, envy, sadness, suffering and often depression. The mind gave it many gifts.
Then death comes and puts it all in its place.
We come to a place where we feel at home because we made have been created from the soul. If we neglect the soul while we are alive, it will not have peace even when we die.
When we die, all the weight of the body turns into a feather. That is why the feather is the symbol of an angel. The feather is the lightness of the infinity. It is possible to reach that bliss in the body, for those who know how. The state of mind that moves from beta to alpha waves and that from theta tends to delta is the way to well-being. This is why, according to research, monks are the happiest people on the planet. They have the highest number of delta waves in the brain. For them, the fear of death does not exist because why should they be afraid of peace. Different religions have been created to divide people. Systems have been created to control people and set goals that are a success parameter to stifle potential. Fear is there to create a limit of availability in this worldly life. Because of fear, we do not go beyond what we are told we can do.
Death liberates because with its arrival, all the previously mentioned anxieties disappear. We can easily lose the fear of death if we tell egoism to get over itself, because it doesn't matter. The difference between the open sea and the coast is like between life and death. When the body enters the water, it feels peace, tranquility, freedom. The feeling of lightness of hovering and floating in the sea is the same as the feeling of carelessness of death. When we die, our soul follows. It went on vacation from the body and all that it carries.
Most of the fears we have stem from an illusory existence. We need to break ourselves into pieces in order to become bigger than our problems and to break the problem into pieces in order to diminish its importance.
There are many reasons for dying. Evolution, karma, inspiration.
Evolution is somewhere the most natural flow between life and death, but not everyone has the privilege to experience that natural death.
Karma is the only law that really makes sense. Some people feel that they will not have to justify their actions, and that they are saved from their bad behavior. There is an invoice for everything, it just matters to whom it will be delivered. Maybe to you, maybe to someone you love endlessly. Therefore, try to let kindness rule your actions.
Inspiration. This is one of my favorite laws of death, if I may call it that.
Inspiration is something that exists to inspire other people. If you are an example, you will either be through your life or through your death. If someone is destined to die young, but had a fulfilling life, it is an example of raising awareness, raising awareness of the moments of life, it is a motive for achieving goals and ideas or a warning for wrong directions.
If you are afraid of death, try to overcome that fear by finding reasons to serve others every day with your work and actions.
Be an example to others on a micro level, and then spread that level further, to a higher level of consciousness. When you set yourself up like that, the goal becomes bigger than yourself and the fear disappears. If you know what you're looking for, the world turns into a library of answers. Throughout your life, you will be followed by guidelines, indicators, guides in the form of people you meet along the way. Often it is not defined by some rules. We are born as people full of desires, dreams, daring to take risks, driven by strong curiosity. And then they instilled fear in us through the system and stole our freedom of thought. Freedom of thought leads to freedom of choice and choices to free life. When we are limited in our mind, we are also limited in life. Give your maximum to life in order to get rid of the fear of death. People who have freed themselves from the most manipulated weapon, fear, are more scared of having a meaningless life more than death itself. Death represents liberation in relation to the fact that it will live without experiencing fulfillment.
Live today so, that it is OK for you to die tomorrow.
The good news is that we don't have to die to feel that peace. We need to work on our bad urges and freedoms, kill their root and plant a pelzer of a better version of ourselves that we will nurture.
It is important that on this path of self-knowledge we always know that eternal happiness does not exist, but only constant growth. So don't look for it, but enjoy every moment of your existence, here and now.