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A little herald of joy


When we say that we are proud parents, it often means that we have led the child on the right path. What is the right path, and how to be a good parent if we are not good either? Have we ever asked ourselves, are we really feeling good?

What does it mean to be ok?

It is a challenge to lead yourself on the right path and even more challenging to lead someone else. The problem is that we are often not ready, and as a society even more unprepared. Then the parent fights with yourself and others. It is difficult...

On the other hand, there are those who succeeded. What does it mean to succeed now, it remains a question. Is success a ticked fulfillment of the norms of society, system or soul. What should be ticked?

Excuse me, but do we know how to love? We are not sure. It is difficult...

Then it comes a child who has love implanted like a pelzer in its soul, who has been taught empathy, who loves to share, whose laughter is synchronized with the heartbeat. A child who knows the difference between good and bad.

Love was grown within that child, which should have been shared further, but how can anyone see it if does not have the eyes of love, but the perception of pain. It is difficult...

In order for both sides to love, it needs to be preceded by a lot of hugging. We come back to it again, what is right?

Love can only spread if we teach children to be heralds of joy.

One little hero, was. A herald of joy, full of love, an innocent smile and a big heart.

The little herald of joy knew what was good and what was bad. The little herald of joy was taught to hug.

The little herald of joy, does not know how to cause pain because has never seen it, and even when may have felt it, it was hugged tightly afterwards. Hate is foreign to the little herald of joy. It doesn't know how to hate because why would do it, when it can love. It knew one thing, and that was how to protect. How did it know that, so it saw that should defend always good, not bad. That's what it did. Bad things came and it wanted to hug everyone with the good things it possesed. Learned to share. It succeeded.

It succeeded to save many hearts that might not would be beating anymore, and even more so those that would have been crushed by pain. It did a lot because extended the time. It knew that time is the most expensive. It is irreversible, priceless, and defined by the moment. A moment cannot be measured, and it often costs a lot. It is difficult...

Maybe we still don't know if we teach children enough, in the right way and honestly, but what we know for sure is that Ema taught us.

She showed us what it means to be love, to give it unconditionally, to share without asking back, to fight for justice and to defend the weaker.

Cowards for life no longer have an excuse, because any defense argument supported by excuses will be shot down. If we have fallen now as a society, let's stand up as people in the true sense of that word and remember what does it mean to be a human.

The question arises again, what does it really mean to be a human?

I believe that Ema gave us the answer...

We no longer have an excuse, only responsibility for children's souls.

It is difficult...

In memory of Ema Kobiljski🙏


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