I'm afraid to change a job, what if I don't find another one.
I'm afraid to end a long relationship, what if I'm left alone.
I'm afraid to live in another country, what if I don't succeed there.
I am afraid that I am going down an unknown path, which no one has trodden. Well known is safe.
I am afraid to share my opinion, what if the majority does not support me.
I'm afraid to refute other people's opinion with my arguments, what if I encounter condemnation.
I'm afraid to present my idea, what if no one likes it.
I'm afraid to publish my book, what if no one reads it.
I'm afraid to sing loudly, what if no one likes my voice.
I'm afraid to say "no", what if I lose my friends.
I'm afraid to fall in love deepy, what if I get hurt.
I'm afraid to invest money, what if I lose it.
I'm afraid to wish, what if my dreams come crashing down.
I'm afraid, because what if I fail...
What if I get hurt, condemned, discouraged, disappointed. What if... What if everyone else is better than me and it only will be a try.
I am afraid to live because I have forgotten that I will die.
But, what if everything turns out to be the opposite of what was assumed? What if instead of a feeling of betrayal comes a feeling of love, if instead of a feeling of discouragement comes a feeling of empowerment, if instead of disappointment comes an elation that you have not felt before?
We will certainly no longer fear death, because when it comes, we will have nothing to regret. Hence, we should use fear as a signal to push boundaries, not as a wall.
Fear turns us into drama writers, when we were actually born to be science fiction writers of our life stories.